Grand Aton Hotel — Minya EGYPT
/With no satisfaction, we present our worst hotel in Egypt — The Grand Aton in Minya, Middle Egypt. The images below do not convey how truly bad it was. So bad, we added it to our Worse Worldwide, only our fifth such distinction in as many years of our constant traveling.
The property was under renovation. (Not always a complete joy killer for us in the past.) It definitely is on the road less traveled with only 1 in 100 organized tour groups cycling through this Middle Egypt stretch choosing inside to fly Cairo to Luxor or Aswan to continue their journeys. Our traveling group of 35 folks only fit in certain sized facilities and the Grand Aton was happy to set aside their wrecking ball and sledge hammers and lead us through the rubble to our rooms. It’s on the Nile river but there was really no charm about it. At least mow the lawn. And return Rich’s favorite shorts that disappeared into housekeeping purgatory!
Ultimately, it was all about seeing the astounding ruins that were once the splendor of Medium, Pyramid of Amenemhat III at Hawara near Faiyum (where Rich had a strange physical reaction including visions), the Tombs of Beni Hasan near Abu Qirqas and Tuna-el-Gebel near Mallawi and Tell el-Amarna. See some of those highlights below the hotel pics.